Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day

This past weekend, we all went up to Tenn. Sunday was a lazy day that we spent by "taming" three kittens, throwing the football around, eating watermelon, fishing, climbing trees, and just having fun. Monday was kinda the same, only we went for a walk, and my youngest cousin Lydia came with her parents for a visit. Here are some pictures of our weekend.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


We went and picked up Mikkel and Marc yesterday. I don't know if we are wearing them out, or if they are wearing us out. Yesterday, after arriving home, we all had lunch, went swimming for a couple hours, then went to Wal Mart, came home, had a big dinner, visited with family until 9:30 ish and then started Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark. I went to bed at 11, but the guys woke me up going to bed around 12. They are still asleep right now, and I am wishing that I was that way too. (Once I wake up in the morning, it is almost impossible to go back to sleep.)

When ever Mikkel comes, I think he makes every day, a pick on cousin Kara day. Here are some of the things he picks me about;

During Indiana Jones, betting if one character is the same on in LOTR. I lost.
"Fighting" for shotgun in the van. I lost again.
Turning everything I say around and making me feel stupid.
Not being able to "get him back" when he gets me. I will get him back one of these days!

Marc, Mikkel's friend, is nice, and will do anything to please. As he is Danish, there are many things that he has never seen or eaten. Things that we take for granted. For example;

He has never had peanut butter
Wal Mart overwhelmed him
The drive in part of the bank surprised him (they don't have a drive in for the bank)
The geography of Alabama is VERY different from Denmark (hills, trees etc.)
You cant get Skittles in Denmark, so they are planning on bringing LOTS home.
The Galleria really overwhelmed him

I know there are lots of other things that Marc hasn't had before, but as I said before, I am tired, and my brain refuses to work.

I will post some pictures of our day soon, right now I am on Dad's laptop, and all my pictures are on the Mac.

I am going to go try and wake up.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What to post about....

I really don't know what to post about. I guess I will just write about the random thing that are running around in my head.

Chemistry is OVER!! I am free of that cursed class!

We get Mikkel and Mark tomorrow. Yippee! It is going to be a lot of fun having them around. For those of you who don't know; Mikkel is my cousin from Denmark and Mark is a good friend of his.

My surgery is in 2 weeks. Groan. I find myself putting it off in my mind, instead of facing it. Why is the thought of surgery so scary? When I break it down in my mind, and try to find what scares me the most, I find that I have already had to deal with parts of the surgery in one time or another. So when I think about it, there are really only two things that scare me; the IV and the fear of the unknown. The IV is just something that I will have to get over. I have a FEAR of needles, and so this will be a good opportunity to face my fears. I cant wait until it is over. But once it is over, I can say that I DID IT!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Community Groups

Tonight, Community Groups was at our house and we had a bonfire! Here are a few pictures of the night.