Sunday, March 22, 2009

Everything and yet, nothing

I have now been sitting at the computer for 20 minutes, and I still don't know what to write. Is it possible to think of everything, and yet nothing at the same time? If so, that's me. Here are some of my random thoughts...

1. The Jennings are staying with us. I know a lot of you either saw them today at church, or yesterday at Meme's funeral. Mom picked them up Friday afternoon and when they arrived, they looked dazed. But, after a snack and some Iced Tea, the three boys could not stay still if their life depended upon it. Now that the funeral is over, they can focus on just relaxing and visiting, something Mrs. Dana is looking forward to!

2. Emma and I went shopping yesterday for accessories for the "prom". So much fun! In the end, we both found exactly what we wanted and came home very pleased with ourselves. Since Emma and I are both escorts this year to seniors, there is a larger stress to getting everything perfect. We are going to pick out our escorts boutonnieres this Tuesday, so wish us luck!

3. I am so very ready for school to be over! Since Caleb and I are taking classes through CORE, we do not get a Spring Break. So far, that is the one large negative to CORE. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy taking classes with them, it is just that after four months of straight school and no break, I am tired! Physically and mentally. I am counting down until the end of CORE.

4. In a little over two weeks, my family is going up to North Carolina for a "vacation"! Elise and Skye will not have any school, but Caleb and I will... Despite the prospect of school on a vacation, we are all looking forward to the trip! Thank you Mrs. Virginia for the book list! Cant wait to be able to curl up with a good book! Hopefully, I'll have some time to devote to pleasure reading.

I have been sitting too long, and so my knees are starting to cramp...Better get up and move before they decide to rebel anymore!