Thursday, November 8, 2007

One down, one to go!

The play this year for the 1st – 6th graders at Crossroads Christian was The Great Cross-Country Race or better known as The Tortoise and the Hare. Kimberlee, one of my good friends, directed it. All of the kids have been working very hard for the past 3 months, and their hard work has paid off. Tonight was Opening Night, and they all were INCREDIBLE!!! But we could not have done it with out our audience! Thank you guys for coming and cheering us on! If you didn’t come tonight, you need to come tomorrow night! It is at Community Presbyterian Church, tomorrow night at 7 pm. Tickets are only $2 per person. If you come, be prepared to laugh, a lot.

My brain is fogging up from Chemistry, the play and all of my other school-work. I am having a hard time thinking straight and making complete sentences. I need to go to bed.


Emma said...

The play was really really good! Everybody needs to go see it tonight!
And Kara, thanks for blogging. (finally) ;)

Kimberlee said...

I'd have to say that the play was very good indeed :) The kids were amazing!!! And so were the awesome people who helped out :) Thanks! YOU were wonderful (and you still are!!)