Saturday, October 6, 2007

The complicated question

I chose my Blog name, Who am I, because that is the question Mom has asked me almost everyday of my life. Who are you? She asks me when I am happy and when I am sad, when I am in a wonderfully cheerful mood, and when all I want to do is cry. I have tried answering the question; I am Kara, daughter of Jenny and Eric, eldest child of four. But the only answer she will accept is, I am a princess, daughter of the King. And it is true. I am a princess, and my father is the Most High God, YHWH (I AM). This, I have come to realize, covers only part of the question Who am I? If you stop and think for a minute, you realize that it is a very complicated question. As every human being does, I am starting to grapple with that question, and what its application are on my life. I pray that in the years to come the answer will become clearer and that God’s will for my life will be done.


Emma said...

Hey girl!! I love the name you finally picked!! I don't think "Kara the babysitter" would have been right if you're trying to find out who you really are. Unless you think that babysitting really is your calling. ;) Anyways I'm just joking with you. I really do like your blog and the picture is great!! (Yee haw!) I'll see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

HEY HEY HEY! I Like your new blog!
I'm glad that you started one! I luv the pic! See you at church!!!

Bye Buddy! I have a blog too! It's
