Friday, June 5, 2009


I never thought that I would enjoy working out, but now that it has been a little over two months since I have been able to, my body is craving it. There is something very rewarding when you push your body to its max, and know, that you were able to bike a half a mile more than yesterday, or lift 5 more pounds than you were able to last week. It also feels great to set high goals for yourself, and then, after a lot of hard work, you reach those goals! My only fear of starting again is that my knees wont be able to withstand the exercise. I can build my upper body up, but I feel unbalanced when I cannot use the same intensity on my lower body, that I do with my upper. And it also does not help to know that when I finally start back up again, I will have to go slower than I would like, due to my still sore neck and back, thanks to the wreck. But, I am looking forward to being able to start working out again. At this point, anything is better than nothing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Everything and yet, nothing

I have now been sitting at the computer for 20 minutes, and I still don't know what to write. Is it possible to think of everything, and yet nothing at the same time? If so, that's me. Here are some of my random thoughts...

1. The Jennings are staying with us. I know a lot of you either saw them today at church, or yesterday at Meme's funeral. Mom picked them up Friday afternoon and when they arrived, they looked dazed. But, after a snack and some Iced Tea, the three boys could not stay still if their life depended upon it. Now that the funeral is over, they can focus on just relaxing and visiting, something Mrs. Dana is looking forward to!

2. Emma and I went shopping yesterday for accessories for the "prom". So much fun! In the end, we both found exactly what we wanted and came home very pleased with ourselves. Since Emma and I are both escorts this year to seniors, there is a larger stress to getting everything perfect. We are going to pick out our escorts boutonnieres this Tuesday, so wish us luck!

3. I am so very ready for school to be over! Since Caleb and I are taking classes through CORE, we do not get a Spring Break. So far, that is the one large negative to CORE. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy taking classes with them, it is just that after four months of straight school and no break, I am tired! Physically and mentally. I am counting down until the end of CORE.

4. In a little over two weeks, my family is going up to North Carolina for a "vacation"! Elise and Skye will not have any school, but Caleb and I will... Despite the prospect of school on a vacation, we are all looking forward to the trip! Thank you Mrs. Virginia for the book list! Cant wait to be able to curl up with a good book! Hopefully, I'll have some time to devote to pleasure reading.

I have been sitting too long, and so my knees are starting to cramp...Better get up and move before they decide to rebel anymore!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sickness and Exams

I would like to start off this post by thanking my brother, for sharing his lovely cold with me. I know it came from the bottom of his heart, and I am sincerely grateful. Well, maybe not. He did give me his cold, but, it was totally unintentional. So that is my reason for not being at church today, for which I am sure you are all very grateful. Even though it is close to Christmas, not everyone wants to go around looking like Rudolf. Like me. I better get well soon, considering all of the Zicam, Airborne and Vitamin C Dad has been pumping into me.

All of my CORE exams were last week, and boy am I glad those are over! Latin and Government were fairly easy, Anatomy and Physiology was ok, it would help if you studied the correct material, and British Lit was a nightmare! The only grades I have received are my Latin grades. But I was not worried about that grade, so I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the rest of them. I should receive them soon.

For those of you who do not know, I am now CRCS's yearbook editor! I am soo very excited at this opportunity. We held our first meeting last month, and I am honored to have a very talented staff. Things are off to a fairly good start, and I am praying that we have way more pictures turned in this year, than last year.

Yesterday was an interesting day. We had plans to go to a Christmas party at 12, a play at 2 and then the Cookie Swap at 6. All that changed at 9:30 yesterday morning. Grandma was coming over to check on the little girl's progress of the cookies, when she lost her balance and fell. When she fell, she landed on her left hip and elbow, and her head hit a pottery urn. Surprisingly, her head wasn't the concern, it was her hip. She couldn't put any weight on that leg. Oh, did I mention, Dad was in Vestavia for a Math Tournament with no way to contact him. So Mom and my uncle somehow managed to put Grandma in the van, and they drove down to the hospital to get it checked out. Thankfully, her hip was not broken. They pumped her full of pain meds and sent her home. Due to the fall and the meds she is on, she literally, cannot walk without someone supporting her every step. Which is very limited. Please keep Grandma and especially Mom in your hearts and prayers, as the meds are making Grandma confused and harder to please. Hopefully each day, Grandma will be able to walk and get around more.

It is time for more Vitamin C and Kleenex. You know you are really resembling Rudolf, when your family members start singing the song around you.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Callaway Gardens

This past week, Mom, Elise, Skye and I went to Callaway Gardens for a couple days. The trees were gorgeous, and the weather was nice. It was nice to wander around the gardens, admire all of the fall foliage and be able to take a lot of photos. Below are some of the many pictures I took during the trip.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Importance of Punctuation

A woman without her man is nothing.

A woman: without her, man is nothing.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

British Literature

In my British Literature class, my teacher gives us 25 vocabulary words a week. When we meet once a week, we have to be able to spell them correctly and give 5 definitions. Since I took her American Literature class last year, I knew what to expect. Or so I thought. In looking over the lists, my eyes kept meeting strange words. I didn't worry about it, because she is known to throw some weird words in the mix. Only later, during the test, did I realize that those strange words were FRENCH! And since I had studied how you might say them in English, I had no clue as to what the words were. Here are some of the French words I have encountered in the past weeks; cidevant, citoyen, morbleu, noblesse, sangfroid, soupcon, bonhomie, sobriquet, fait accompli etc...
When I first realized that they were French words, my first thoughts were, "wait, what class am I in? I am supposed in British Literature, not French. Ok, yes, I am in the right class. What is going on?!?" After mulling things over, I finally accepted that I am in BRITISH Literature class, and since we are going to encounter French words in our reading, we probably need to know a few French words. Yes, she has a method to her madness, but, COME ON! French words?!? In an English class?!?

Ok, I have said my piece. What do you think?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Random Pictures

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