Saturday, April 26, 2008


Yippee! I have my licence! We (Mom and I)were at the Courthouse yesterday to renew Grandma's car tags, when we decided to just go and see what needed to happen to get my licence. So we went and talked to the lady that administers the tests to figure what we need. We had everything needed, but the list was full. She told us to come back any day, just really early, and you can get on the list. But as we were leaving, she asked Mom if I wanted to take the road test. Since we were already there, and we had everything needed, we went ahead with it. And I PASSED! Yippee! Mom is still nervous about me driving alone, which I can't blame her, but when she realizes how big of a help I can be, she will loosen up. I hope. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oklahoma Pictures

Oklahoma went REALLY well. It was a lot of fun, and we are all sad that it is over. My knees are glad that it is over, but the rest of me is sad.

I was the Backstage Manager for Oklahoma, and I really enjoyed my job. I did everything to moving sets and props, taping microphones to guys heads and girls backs, to making all the cast (of 40+ people) be quiet. It was chalenging, but fun.

Stephanie as Laurey as we fix her mic

Justin as Curly and his mic taping

Chandler as Will Parker and his mic taping

Laura as Ado Annie and Kimberlee as Aunt Eller

One tired cowboy

One angry cowboy

Sarah as Gertie

Jim as Ali Hakim and Jordan as Slim

Kristen the director, and me

As you can see, if you did not come, you missed out on alot!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


We have been working on this play for months, and it is going to be GREAT! I would encourage everyone to come. It is a great play for the family. Here is all of the information one needs to know.

Crossroads Christian School presents their production of the musical Oklahoma!
Thursday and Friday, April 17-18, 2008 at 7 pm Saturday, April 19, 2008, at 2 pm
Springville First United Methodist Church 6471 U.S. Highway 11, Springville AL 35146
Tickets: $5 General admission seating; doors will open 30 minutes before show time. To reserve tickets, call 640-2174, leave your name and phone number, number of tickets you want, and which day. Your call will be returned.

Directions to church: Take I-59 to Springville/Odenville/Hwy 174 exit. Turn toward Springville. Go to 4-way stop. Turn right, and go north on Hwy 11; look for the church on the left side of the street.

Hope to see you there!


After much consideration, I ended up going with the purple dress. Friday night, I went to Emma's to get ready. Rae did my makeup and KimH did my hair. It was a crazy couple hours, but very much worth it. Then at 6:30 us four girls (Rae, Emma, Ann Marie and Me) piled in the car and left. It was fun! And I took LOTS of pictures. Here are a couple of pictures that Mom and I took before we left.